How Did Plessy Movement Affect The Civil Rights Movement

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Since African-Americans migrated to the Unites States, blacks have been treated inferior to whites. Even after the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were put into effect and the court case Plessy v. Ferguson, which the court ruled out a “separate but equal” regime for blacks, blacks were still treated substandard to whites (“Civil”). African-Americans had long been repudiated civil rights and freedoms that were guaranteed to whites and felt that change was needed, inaugurating the momentum for the Civil Rights Movement. After the Civil War African-Americans were freed from slavery and allowed to live on their own, even though whites still treated blacks as unequal (“Patterson”). In the South, blacks were forbidden from connecting with whites …show more content…

Linda lived within walking distance to a school, but because of segregation laws, the little girl had to be bussed to a school further away. In anguish, Linda`s father decided to sue the school board, in which the case eventually made it to the Supreme Court, and after two years, the court ruled for desegregation in public schools (“Vox”). However, this court ruling took many years to enforce because of white violence, particularly in the South. Many blacks envisioned the court ruling in anticipation; ameliorating the vigor for the rest of the Civil Rights Movement. Within the following year, peaceful protests began for equality among blacks and whites. Also, with the growth of protests, new organizations for equal rights were commenced, which began with attempting to desegregate schools, but also worked and created the energy to dissolve segregation in public facilities as well …show more content…

For many years, African-Americans had been treated as slaves or subsidiary to whites. Even after blacks were hypothetically supposed to have been granted freedom and equality (Plessy v. Ferguson), blacks found themselves in a world of segregation and inequitable standards. African-Americans began stand up for equality after the first steps of desegregation in the military and defense. The Civil Rights Movement did not fail because blacks never loosened the grip on the fight for equality, even though blacks were harshly treated, and in some cases with brutal violence and murder, but blacks pushed for civil rights throughout the movement until the goal was reached at last. Each event throughout the course of the Civil Rights Movement contributed to the impetus for protests and served an important purpose that many African-Americans will never forget. After Martin Luther King Jr.`s assassination in 1968, as well as the growth of black militancy and improvements in black employment opportunities, the Civil Rights Movement began to lose momentum (“Davis”). Today, many groups of people believe that the Civil Rights Movement had two diverse effects. One effect being that new opportunities, power, and rights were acquired by blacks. However, some veterans believed that the movement fell short of addressing the economic needs of poor