How Did Plutarch Tell Her Stay With Crassus In The Cave

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Looking back with happiness or anger Plutarch states that when one of the female slaves would tell her memories of staying with Crassus in the cave, she told it with great pleasure. But why would she talk about this only with happy memories and not any other emotional memories? She could have told her memories like this because of the joy she had being with Crassus in the cave. When she was told to go into the cave by Vibius Paciacus, she didn’t know what was on the other side and what the cave had in store for her and the other female slave. When she walked through and saw Crassus, she could have been happy to see an attractive young man in the cave, alone. She also could have positive memories from this because she was friends with the other …show more content…

The slave woman may have been extremely bitter or angry about her stay with Crassus because of a plethora of things, but couldn’t have said them publicly due to her still being a slave. She might have described her feelings of fear and doubt going into the cave because she was told to go in and not be afraid to a close friend that she trusted. She could have had problems with the other female slave that she was paired up with, making her bitter of the situation that she had to be in. She could have had problems with Crassus and the way that she treated her and/or the other female slave. If Crassus treated both slave women badly and forced them to have sex with him, she could be bitter with the attitude that he had towards them. If Crassus and the other female slave developed romantic feelings, she could have been bitter and jealous of their relationship because it's a relationship that she wanted. She also could be bitter at her master for forcing her to go into the cave and not making another woman do it. She also could be mad at her master for giving her to Crassus to pretty much have sex with her without her knowledge of Crassus or knowing what he looks like and his feelings towards her. She might have angry memories because she could have been promised her freedom by her master and not given to her, even though she stayed with Crassus for the whole time he was in the cave. Her master also could have promised her that her stay with Crassus was only going to be for a couple of days, making her angry with him when she had to stay with Crassus for 8 months. She also could have resentment towards the other slave woman because she could have been given her freedom while she had to still be a slave. She also could have anger towards Crassus because he could have promised that he