How Did Pope Benedict Xvi Influence The Church

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Pope Benedict XVI

The Catholic Church has had many leaders since the beginning of the Church and spreading of teachings throughout the world. One leader many people ok up to as an example is Pope Benedict XVI. He was pope from 2005 until 2013. He lead the Church through many hardships and also many great things. Pope Benedict XVI changed the world of Roman Catholics with his writings, evangelization, and his work in the Vatican. Joseph Ratzinger, or Pope Benedict XVI, was born on April 16 1927 in Bavaria, Germany. He lived during the reparations on WWII and participated in the Hitler Youth as a child once it was mandatory in Germany. After WWII he decided to join a preparatory seminary in 1939. In 1943 Joseph, and other seminarians, were drafted into anti-aircraft crops. He was later drafted into the army in 1945. After his journey serving in the military, he went back to the seminary at University of Munich where he earned his doctorate. Joseph was ordained as priest at the University of Munich in 1951. He went on to get a degree in …show more content…

During his trip to Brazil he canonized Father Antonio Galvão. Father Antonio, who lived from 1739-1822, was the first native-born Brazilian saint. Ratzinger also changed John Paul’s reform of the process of electing new popes. He worked toward the restoration of the traditional practice. During this time he declared that the election of a new pope requires a two-thirds majority of the cardinals attending the conclave. During the year of 2008 Ratzinger made his first visit as pope to the United States. In the US he spoke out against clerical sexual abuse. He also delivered an address at the United Nations. In late 2008 he addressed the first Catholic-Muslim Forum. This was a three-day conference of Catholic theologians and Islamic scholars. It was hosted by the Vatican in order to promote a better understanding and relationship between the two different