How Did Racism Affect The Civil Rights Movement

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During the civil rights movement racism was huge problem in the United States. With groups such as the Klu Klux Klan running amok lynching terrorizing the black community all through the south and with stores such as restaurants denying African Americans entry because of their skin color it seemed as though fear and discrimination were the only things that they would know in America. But there were people who did not stand for this type of treatment and decided to do something about it. These people would be come to be known as reformers or people who tried to change society for the better. These people were usually African Americans as well, but their were also some white reformers fighting for the rights of their fellow Americans. Even with all these people it was still a long and difficult journey to try and change the very laws and social standard that were found in the American culture. But, they eventually did and allowed for schools to be integrated and other public places to be open to both white and black customers. This movement would also lead to people to look at their country differently and change the laws the lands that were seen as unjust to the people of America.

With segregation being eliminated and otherwise abolished many schools integrated both black and …show more content…

With African Americans able to getter jobs they were able to pay for things they previously were unable to get due to low paying jobs. This led to many to move to better neighborhoods and out of crowded ghettos which improved the lives of many black families. This also gave an increased rate in African American employment which brought many above the poverty line. Voting for African Americans had also increased. And eventually in the 21st century the First African American president would be elected in 2008 a thing that would seem impossible during the civil rights