How Did Rock And Roll Change During The 90's?

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During 1955, Chuck Berry, an aspiring musician wrote the song “Maybellene”. After getting a record contract, the song, a blend of R&B, a country melody and blues’ lyrics became the first recorded Rock n’ Roll song as well as No. 5 in the pop lists. After that, Rock n’ Roll’s popularization was fast. It was during the 50`s that the battle for equality became a thing. This generation was the one that got tired of racism. With lyrics made by color people, sung by white ones, music quickly became the soundtrack for protest and social discontent, characteristic that would last through time.
Music evolved with the same speed as society and it’s conflicts, until it became Rock as we know it.
In today’s culture, Rock music is full of romantic love …show more content…

Generation Y is known for it’s high sensitivity, high IQ and inclusion in all sectors. It was during 90’s that single parent families got a place in society. Minorities’ rights were a result of the generation’s characteristics, as part of those results, feminism had another apogee and is in this context in which the Canadian pianist and rock singer Tori Amos released one of her most popular songs, Silent All These Years, the song is a direct attack towards sexual violence and male chauvinism. This special song is a complete reflection of what society was finally starting to talk about in those days. Is because of this lyrics, “I got the anti-Christ in the kitchen yellin' at me again”, that the song even became part of an official campaign for the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network.
Rock is the art of protest; it is through it how we get to know society. During time, the way music is done has changed but we are sure that the essence will last. Protest is a need from society, it is through bad criticism that things improve. Society has changed the way they see people and that is notorious in it’s music, what seems to be missing is looking at ourselves, that is what we thing the music will be about in the future, about self esteem and