How Did Roger Williams Become The First Colony

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Roger Williams was born in London in the year 1603. It is thought that he was born in the earlier months but historians are still not sure because his birth records were burned in the year 1666 from the great fire of London. Williams is the son of James and Alice Williams. His mother was a very religious person in which she brought him up in the Anglican church. At a very young age Williams went to a charter house school in London. There he learned he had had a very special talent which was learning and mastering languages. At this school he master five different languages. These languages include Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Dutch and French. Since Williams was extremely brilliant he was able to go to Pembroke college, in Cambridge on a very big scholarship . He would go on to graduate in this college in the year 1627.

Once Roger Williams graduated from Pembroke college he then proceeded to take holy orders from the church of England. This decision would alienate himself from …show more content…

This is now known as modern day Rohde Island. This colony would become the first colony that would separate church and state. Williams would welcome any person that wanted to come even if that would mean your are catholic or Quaker. Roger Williams would go on to build the first Baptist church in America in his new colony. Not only would he welcome all but he would also help the Indians and not force them to convert them to Christianity.

Roger Williams would pass away in the year 1683. Even though he was the founder of Providence his death went mostly unnoticed in which no would care that he had died. It wouldn’t be until the American Revolution until the people would really notice what Roger Williams did and his ideas. The people finally realized the stuff that he has been preaching and proclaiming where actually great things. Williams ideas would go on to change the way America and religion would work until present day