How Did South Sea Islanders Contribute To Australia

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South Sea Islander Experiences and Contributions in Queensland Prior to 1905. South Sea Islanders were brought to Australia to work on the cotton plantations and later in the cane fields in the 1860s. At first the Islanders worked on the cotton plantation but soon moved to the sugar cane fields. Not everyone came willingly though, many South Sea Islanders were kidnapped and some were even murdered. When the South Sea Islanders arrived in Australia, they found that they had been lied to about the work and living condition and as they were contracted to their employer they were forced to stay and work in Australia. Once their contracts were up, most went home without their contributions to Australia being acknowledged until recent times. It was believed that we needed a coloured working group to work on the cotton plantations. South Sea Islanders were Australia’s choice and between 1863 and 1904 around 60,000 South Sea Islanders were brought to work in Australia. People off the recruitment ships dressed up as priests, ministers or missionaries and encouraged them to follow. The Islanders were also given trinkets and …show more content…

Due to their hard work, very low pay and inhumane work conditions a lot of money was made for Queensland farms and this in turn made money for Australia. In return for their hard work Australia sent the South Sea islanders back home when they had finished their work contracts with hardly a thank you. Unfortunately the South Sea Islanders received very little recognition for their work at the time that they were in Australia. It has only been in recent times that Australia has recognised their contribution. Many South Sea Islanders died while in Australia and most were not given the respect in death that they had earnt. The South Sea Islanders were often not buried or if they were they remain in unmarked graves underneath cane fields. (Source