How Did Spain Influence The Spanish Government

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From 1902 to 1923 Alfonso XIII (13) was in charge if Spain. Alfonso had very little respect for the three different branches of government (Legislative, Judicial and Executive) and in return it caused turmoil in the country. In 1923 Spain gave into the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, and Rivera became the new leader of Spain with the consent of the King. The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera lasted from 1923 to 1930. While Rivera was in office he declared a state of war and the abolishment of the constitution. Rivera’s dictatorship was thought of as a transitional government and because of that he got rid of local authorities, administrative roles and substituted those roles with all military personal. A transitional government is when …show more content…

The left wing parties (Republican) signed the Pact of San Sebastian, which tried to form a Republic and get rid of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. Because of the fast economic growth that was happening in Spain, it caused the Great Depression of 1929. In January of 1930 Primo de Rivera was forced to step down by Alfonso XIII. After the election of 1931 and the victory of the republican parties in most of Spain, the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed on April 14th 1931. The Second Spanish Republic can be broken into two main time periods, the reformist biennium and the radical biennium. The reformist biennium was from 1931- 1933, and during that time period they approved a new constitution, a new government was established and this was all formed by the left wing parties, which was ran by Manual Anza. The horrible economic situation made Anza implement may reforms such as, universal suffrage, educational reforms and turned Spain into a secular state, which means that they stay neutral with matters such as religion. Anza got criticized and Spain was divided into the left wing and right wing parties. The radical biennium was from 1934– 1936 and the election of 1933 gave the victory to the conservatives which was caused by social tensions and …show more content…

Spain also has a very famous wall called Roman Walls of Lugo. The city of Lugo is the only European city to be surrounded by intact Roman walls, which are 2,117 meters longs. The Olympics are a big deal and only great cities and countries get to hold it, and that would mean that Spain is one of those great countries because in 1992 the summer Olympics were help in Barcelona. The Olympics were opened by King Juan Carlos I, and it went on from July 28th to August 9th and Spain placed 10th overall. Spain isn’t known for having many natural disasters but on October 20th 1982, the Tous Dam which is located near the eastern coast of Spain flooded the Sumaarcel city, which is near the Jucar Basin River. They had lots of rainfall that year and it shorted out the electrical system in the dam and the emergency flood gates couldn’t open so it caused a flood and 30 people died and it caused over 330 million Euros of economic loss. In 1971 the La Palma volcano erupted and in some places near it you can still feel the warmth and smell the sulfur from it. Spain celebrates their national holiday on October 12th which in the United States