How Did Sparta Outweigh The Strengths

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Did The Strengths Outweigh the Weakness? Throughout the Spartan education there were many strengths and weaknesses. Many children were educated to become stronger including women who were also educated. Their education was different from other educations because the only thing Sparta focused on was war, and military training. The question here is that from the Spartan education did the strengths outweigh the weakness? Well In the 5th century BCE, a city-state, which is a city that acts like a country having its own money and laws. Named Sparta was located on the Peloponnese which is a peninsula that is located on Southern Greece, and Sparta had many enemies including another city-state named Athens and helots who were people who weren’t slaves, but weren’t free either, and they worked in farms working for their masters who were Patriates and they were people who were …show more content…

In 464 BCE the helots tried to rebel against the Spartans. Now because of this the city of Sparta was threatened which was considerably dangerous to them. The outcome of this was that the law-enforcement officers sent out a special- operations units that carried daggers and food if necessary, and at night these units would come out and slaughter any helots they came across to. These killings killed the strongest and even the best of the helots. This strengthen the Spartan by showing that they are strong and powerful, and they are vengeful. In the text it states “ I believe that cruel acts of this sort were practiced after the earthquake when the helots [in 464 BCE], devastated their territory, and threatened the city [Sparta] with considerable danger.” This shows that the strengths outweigh the weakness because even though their weakness was losing their helots that could have been used to work in farms, but their strength was greater, Sparta showed that they are not weak, that they are strong and