Living In Athens Vs Sparta

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How did people in Athens and Sparta obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community? Who held public office? What rules governed the selection of public office holders? How were the two

city-states similar in their governmental structures? How did they differ?
According to Brand (n.d.):

Athens and Sparta societies are two of the most successful and influential city-state of Ancient Greece. While Athens has a democratic, Sparta on the other hand ruled in the oligarchic structured political system. Attica cultivated the

Athenian society as Peloponnesian Peninsula, set as the birth of Spartan community.

Athenian society beyond being a democratic government, class-based system is present. Mostly of those who have the capability to participate in their public life, particularly with their political rights …show more content…

Helots were by far the largest class of people living in Spartan territory. The Helots became virtual slaves, owned not by individual Spartans, but collectively by

the Spartan


A Spartan women’s sole duty was to have as many (preferably male) babies as possible. In Sparta, with their sons and husbands out “playing soldier,” it was left to the women to manage the economic affairs of the

household. While other Greeks often praised Sparta’s military culture, they were frequently outraged by the freedoms permitted to Spartan women who went about in public.

Annually an election takes place for a one year term of Sparta's two kings, the "elder council" whom are men over 60 , Gerousia, and the Ephors who are the five magistrates. Ephors handles the judicial, military, organizations and

foreign relations. Assembly handles the legislative agenda. Gerousia handles the duties of a senate. All recognized free male citizens of Sparta were members of the popular assembly. Class differences are also manifested in Spartan

society, wherein wealth is a