How Did Susanna English Effect On The Salem Witch Trile

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Susanna English, the main cariter, was a fourteen years old girl when the Salem Witch triles took place, and it had a big impact on her and her family. Ann Putman a twelve-year-old girl was the reason the Salem Witch triles took place, she pretended to be possessed and started accusing people of being witches. Sadly one of the accused was Mary English (Mama English). After the cort trile she was sent to prison and the family knew it would not be long till the entire English family was accuses to be witches, so when theya where accused theay where ready. Phillip English ( the father) and Mary English ( wich was the sisters name) flead the town and left Susanna to live with Joseph and Elizbeth Putman. Afther laying low for one an a haph years