How Did The Democratic Presidents Of The 1960s Dbq

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Hamer had to go through hostile, white, gun-carrying crowd and literacy test to register to vote. False. Democratic presidents of the 1960’s did not support these ideas. True. Kennedy and LBJ were a strange match. Two factors that helped them beat Nixon in 1960 were African-American votes and and televised presidential debate. True. Kennedy was active in fighting racial discrimination and expanding the welfare state. (He wanted to do more Civil Rights, but he got assassinated, so...) JFK helped the economy by providing jobs in economically depressed areas, training programs for unemployed, and a law to cut tax. JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald & was then shot by Jack Ruby. President Johnson’s investigation, the Chief Justice determined no conspiracy …show more content…

Johnson was distracted from his Great Society/War on Poverty plans by the Vietnam War.. The War on Poverty helped poor to rise to middle-classes and poverty rate decreased. It come up short in fixing structural reform of the economy and employment advantages. One court case example is the Loving v. Virginia. The point of the lunch counter sit-ins was to battle segregation. The SNCC was set up. CORE (Congress on Racial Equality) organized Freedom Rides into the South on segregated buses. Voter registration was met with violence and threats from whites in the Deep South. 1963, famous speech: “I Have a Dream”. J Edgar Hoover, the FBI, spied on King at this time. John Lewis and company marched to the capitol but was met with violence by Alabama state troopers. The 1964 Civil Rights Act guaranteed access for all Americans to public accommodations, education, employment, and voting. Johnson’s EO 11246 called for employers holding govt contracts to uphold equal opportunity. Malcolm X became the voice of Black Nationalism and Islam. Stokely Carmichael’s Black Power plan meant to reject assimilation and integration in white communities but create independent black