How Did The Eire Canal Build The American Transportation System

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With the creation of systems such as steamboats and the Eire Canal, urban systems expanding appearing all over areas such as the Mississippi River. The Eire Canal allowed the Atlantic Ocean to be connected directly to the Great Lakes through New York and Albany, which in turn allowed them to be connected to the Mississippi. The Mississippi and the Great Lakes were already existing natural landscapes, but the creation of the new transportation system of the Eire Canal imposed a new geography to them, allowing them to become a central backbone to the American Transportation system. Transportation choices, such as the Eire Canal, allow the American transportation system to avoid constraints provided by natural landscapes, and fully take advantage of their opportunities. One example of this was the steamboat sublime, which removed the constraints on the Mississippi River that limited the movement of vessels to be only able to travel downstream. This constraint was placed by the natural landscape, as most of the rivers throughout North American only ran from the North the South. However, with American’s choice of creating the steamboat system they turned this constraint into an opportunity. This opportunity provided a means of water transportation throughout America. Using the same …show more content…

It provided the ability for villages to exist on the rich soil along the Mississippi, while still be directly connected to the Eastern Markets. This in turn forced the population sky rocketed, more people than ever before were now able to move into the west and prosper. Villages along these areas could provide massive amounts of agriculture, and transport them up the Mississippi, through the Great Lakes, and through New York to reach the Atlantic Ocean. This is a system of existing natural landscape that Americans were now fully able to take opportunity of due to the improved internal