How Did The First Action Federal Government Lead To Westward Expansion

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During the 1800s, the actions taken by federal government led to westward expansion . According to the history of westward expansion the federal government's idea was to own from pacific ocean to Atlantic ocean (the area that created US right now). For them to own land from one ocean, they had to get the westward land which they did and move people to westward. Federal government did accomplished their idea in many ways. The first action federal government took was created laws. The second action federal government took was the Indian relations. The third action federal government took was creating railroads. So therefore, the impact is that the Americans expanded USA territory. First of all, the federal government created Acts. In documents 5, it talks about …show more content…

in document 2 it talks about the Indian removal act. Indians were to be moved in west of Mississippi river and asked Indians to exchange land to land in west . This explains that Indian had no option they had to give up their land and move west where the lands weren't the best as they had before. in document 8, it talks about how the white man treated the Indians. The white man possesses the whole vast country from sea to sea , lives where they like, and proudly call America, which not very long ago belonged to red man. White man promised to keep them well supplied with everything necessary to comfortable living. But they didn't kept their promise. This explains that white man did what they liked with Indians and lived where they liked and moved the Indians. So basically they made the Indians believe them and moved them to west and never did as they said they well. However, white man's idea was to remove the Indians and take over their land. So by removing the Indians they get to take the Indian's land and make theirs which gave Americans more