
How Did The French Revolution Cause The Haitian Revolution

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Fischer Keizer
Kassondra Young
Baccalaureate World-Themes
17 May 2023

In the summer of 1791, the enslaved people of Haiti revolted against their owners in the name of freedom. In 1804, the revolution ended with the enslaved people free at last. However, this was not possible without the spark from certain events that occurred in the French Revolution. The French Revolution was important to the cause of the Haitian Revolution because it gave slaves of Haiti the belief that a revolution would be possible. Other events in the French Revolution helped cause the uprising as well, such as the creation of the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen”. This declaration led slaves to desire more freedom, which was the initial spark of …show more content…

This is significant because the Haitians were fighting against a weakened France, instead of the powerful nation they usually are. If the Haitians fought against France when that nation was at full power, then the Haitian Revolution might not have been so successful. Another event that happened during the French Revolution was a massive increase in the enslaved population of Haiti. This increase in the slave population caused many problems within Haiti, this is known because of this statement, “Saint-Domingue’s rapid transformation from a near-empty frontier to a densely populated economic powerhouse made it ripe with tensions and fissures”(Laurent Dubois and John D. Garrigus). These new-found tensions between slaves and slave owners in Haiti caused a lot of social problems in Haiti. These social issues played a big part in the start of the Haitian …show more content…

There are three main ideas that make a historical event. The first essential part of a historical event is its importance, for example, if the event didn't affect anything or anyone, it would not be remembered as a historic event. Secondly, opinions are another vital part of a historic event, because opinions are what makes people care about something. The last main part of a historic event is emotion because when people feel sad, angry, or happy, that affects their opinions, and people's opinions affect how the event will be

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