When the Hoover administration failed to bring the United States out of the Depression , the citizens were unhappy with the progress of the government made and consequently the government took a stark shift to liberal america. This shift resulted in the change in demographics of who was actively involved and their political ideology. The Great Depression changed the political climate of the United States by changing the politics from being based on status to one based on the needs of the nation. Franklin D. Roosevelt campaigned using this idea and spurred the support of many of the poorer citizens of the United States. Big corporations ultimately lost their influence over U.S. politics as the lower classes started to dominate in voting trends. This poorer classes began to be more influential in the political process as they voted in hopes to have the …show more content…
Another factor from the Depression that led to the change in politics was the empowerment of minority groups. Minority groups felt as they did not have a voice or any opportunities under the Hoover administration so when Franklin D. Roosevelt first ran and campaigned with the promise of more jobs for minorities, most of the minorities voted in his favor. For example, the election of Franklin D. roosevelt in 1932 landmarked the first election in when African Americans mostly voted for the Democratic and liberal party whereas prior to the Depression, in voting trends, African Americans had usually aligned with the conservative party. The landslide win in FDR’s second election was largely due to this Black support as they wanted the government to connive to encourage job. African Americans also started to