How Did The Industrial Revolution Contribute To The Poor

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The Industrial Revolution was an era the ocurred from the early to mid 1800s. It is responsible for many the machines and tools that we use every day. With the spike in industry, opportunities for the poor appeared that were never prevalent before. The Industrial Revolution was a huge help to the poor. It created jobs, new medicines, and necessary goods became significantly cheaper.

The industrial revolution helped the poor, as it led to a massive spike in job availability. Resource #4 states, “It created jobs for workers… it provided the hope of improvement in people’s lives.” Up until the begin of the Industrial Revolution, jobs were not easy to come by. The poor had a hard time making money which led to extreme poverty. The Industrial Revolution started the trend of mass …show more content…

According to Resource #4, “Most people in industrialized countries can afford consumer goods that would have been considered luxuries 50 or 60 years ago.” Before the revolution, most goods were required to be made by hand. The cost of labor drove prices of goods up tremendously. As Machines kept manufacturing prices down which kept the costs of goods down as stated in the quotes, “It frosted technological progress and greatly increased the production of goods…” and, “The Industrial Revolution produced a number of benefits as well... cheaper, mass-produced clothing.” in Resource #4.

The Industrial Revolution was a major point in history. It was an era in which people were healthy, jobs were abundant, and the population was booming. It was an ear where manufacturing goods helped the poor maintain access to affordable goods and healthy lifestyles. The Industrial Revolution made life easier all together with inventions such as the railroad and telegraph. The Industrial Revolution helped the world maintain itself and move forward. And for once, the poor were included in the