The Invention Of The Industrial Revolution

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I believe that the industrial revolution was beginning of what we now consider modern society; however, this came with a significant impact on the economic, social, and cultural aspects of the time.
To better understand the economic, social, and cultural changes that the industrial revolution brought on, a brief history and explanation of industrial revolution and its keep parts is needed. The industrial revolution which began in Europe and Britain in the late 1700, most manufacturing was completed using simple machines and hand tools using human muscle. As the world population grew, more items were required such as clothes and bedding which took a significant amount of time and skill to weave by hand. Cotton was, and still is, the most important …show more content…

It was invented in England to prevent flooding in coal mines. Prior to the steam engine, windmills and hand pumps were used to remove water from the coal mines. Windmills and hand pumps were only able to create a pumping motion, unable to be used to power wheels. However, for the first sixty years after its invention the steam engine was only used for removing water from coal mines. ( With the invention of the steam engine, factories no longer had to be next to a water source. Water wasn’t as reliable as steam engines either, having to deal with floods, freezing or dry spells. Steam engines found many uses in a variety of industries. Towns that had adapted the steam engine had growth locally and on the national scale, further validating the importance of the steam engine. During this economic growth, steamboats are replacing barges which are only able to transport goods from east to west or north to south, whereas steamboats can fight the current without too much difficulty. Zimmer, David (1982). The Ohio River; Gateway to Settlement. Indiana Historical Society. p. …show more content…

This cultural change had two major effects on the people of the time. There were those that greatly benefited from the industrial revolution, and then there were those who struggled through it.
The steam engine also changed how modes of transportation. Railways weren’t a new thing prior to the industrial revolution, but the trains that carried finished goods were drawn by horses, and boats along canals and rivers. Besides walking, horses were the only other way to get around. In 1830, transportation by railway for passengers was regular in Liverpool and Manchester England. The railroad grew exponotially in the following years in Britain, with miles of track growing from 51 miles in 1829 to 10,002 in 1859. (
With the invention of the steam engine, it also helped agriculture. A lot of tools were converted to steam powered, such as steam-operated threshers, mechanical reapers which improved productivity and expanded the supply of food and raw