
How Did The Ku Klux Klan Affect The Civil Rights Movement

420 Words2 Pages

KKK’s Negative Impact on Civil Rights
Anthony Earwood
English 1

The Ku Klux Klan's impact on the Civil Rights Movement was significant, as the group's use of violence and intimidation tactics, opposition to desegregation and racial equality, and influence on the political and social climate of the United States had a profound effect on the advancement of civil rights in America (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2023).

Firstly, the Ku Klux Klan's use of violence and intimidation tactics had a chilling effect on the Civil Rights Movement. The group often targeted African Americans who were advocating for their rights, as well as white individuals who supported the movement (National Humanities Center, 2023). By using tactics such as bombings, beatings, and lynching, the Klan sought to instill fear in …show more content…

The group believed in the superiority of the white race and sought to maintain segregation and discrimination against African Americans. This opposition was reflected in the group's efforts to block school desegregation, voting rights legislation, and other measures aimed at promoting racial equality (Civil Rights Movement, 2023). The Klan's influence on local and state governments also hindered progress, as many politicians were reluctant to take a stand against the group for fear of losing their support.

Finally, the Klan's influence on the political and social climate of the United States had a lasting impact on the Civil Rights Movement. The group's activities and rhetoric fueled racial tensions and divisions throughout the country, making it difficult for the movement to gain widespread support (Facing History and Ourselves, 2023). The Klan's influence was felt not only in the South but also in other parts of the country, where the group established chapters and carried out acts of violence against African Americans and their

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