How Did The Meiji Restoration Change Japan Society

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In the late 16th century, the Tokugawa family created a government known as bakufu. The first Tokugawa, Toyotomi Hideyoshi became the shogun in 1603 and for the next 250 years, the Tokugawa ruled over Japan. Japan became an isolated country for the next 250 years in fear of foreign corruption. In 1853, Matthew Perry a U.S. Commodore arrived in Japan, hoping to open their market, and receive a treaty from the government. The government in Japan signed trading treaties which the daimyo and samurai were unhappy with the government decisions. The Japanese wanted to limit the western influences and maintain their independence which created the rise of nationalism. In 1866, the Tokugawa Shogun was overthrown by the feudal lords and samurai. The new emperor eliminated the government and reestablished the imperial throne, but the emperor did not have any political power and was seen as a political symbol.

The Meiji Restoration began in 1868 to 1912 which transformed Japan society with western influence but maintaining their cultures and traditions. In 1868, Japan was focused on agriculture, a weak military, and little technology development. The …show more content…

The education system was funded by a new tax which outraged the public which resulted in 2000 schools being burnt down. At the end of the Meiji era, children could attend six years of education for free. The government controlled the school and curriculum. The students learned math, reading and moral training which is honoring the emperor, country, and families. The government improved Japan transportation and communication by building railroads, shipping lines, industries, and shipyards. The Japanese army drafted men into the military for three years of active service and four years on reserve starting at the age of twenty. The Japanese reformed their traditional society into a modern society still maintain the Western and Japanese