How Did The Mongols Affect The Social System Of Russia

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In the mid 13th century, the Mongols conquered large amounts of land as a result of having a great military ruler, Genghis Khan. He was responsible for setting up khanates all over Asia in order to conquer and control more land in a more efficient manner. With this system in place the Mongol Empire spread rapidly. The purpose of these khanates was to help control land when Genghis could not be there, their was too much land for one man to control. Genghis khan was known to be a very smart and ruthless leader. Genghis Khan set up the Golden Horde khanate in Russia which was in the western part of the empire that was then ruled by Ogadi. This khanate flourished from the mid-13th century to the end of the 14th century. However this did bring …show more content…

The interaction between the Mongols and the Russians varied depending on the social class of the Russians. That being said, peasants and Mongols never interacted on pleasant terms. That is why only selective people could be around the Mongols, they eventually learned each others mannerism. "The Russians who had direct social contact with the Mongols were of the upper classes: rulers, nobles, officials. ecclesiastics, and merchants. Any of them who spent time with the Horde learned perforce the rules of the mongol etiquette." …show more content…

Like many other aspects of the Russians lifestyle, the churches were deeply affected."Not surprisingly, its most visible and expensive manifestation, church construction, virtually came to a halt for nearly 100 years." (Halperin)They stopped being built for almost 100 years. The mongols destroyed the churches by physically destroying them, as well as taking anyone who was connected to the church and killing them or taking them as a prisoner. ”With the initial Mongol onslaught, many churches and monasteries were looted and destroyed while countless adherents to the church and scores of clergy were killed; those who survived often were taken prisoner and enslaved "” (Hosseini,) The holy capital was moved from Kidev to Vladimir in 1299, then moved to Moscow in 1322.(Hossein)This enhanced the significance of Moscow. However, the churches started to be built again and a legal document was made in order to protect the church (iarlyk). The church flourished partially because of the fallen political unity, as well as the protection that the document provided. This was issued in 1267 and allowed the church to strengthen. The church was under the De Facto protection for 10 years. This document exempted the church from taxation from Mongol or Russian authorities. The Mongols believed that they were sent by God, the Russians

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