
How Did The Mongols Impact On World History

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The Mongol Empire made a massive impact on World History and most definitely in the ways of geography. Although, the creation of this empire took a long time and was a lengthy process, it spanned from the far reaches of Asia into Eastern Europe and covered nearly 12 million square miles. Not only was the sheer size of this empire something of awe, the legacy behind it should also be remembered. No other Empire can stand up to the impact made from the Mongols, and especially of the leader Genghis Khan. He is known throughout by just his name, and is still one of the most feared conquerors of all time. Although he was a ruthless leader, he was also a brilliant military genius. He created a very effective military force that used their incredible …show more content…

He was born Temujin, in around 1162 somewhere near Siberia. There is a legend attached to his birth stating that he was born gripping a blood clot in his hand. His childhood was violent and tumultuous. His father was murdered, and his own clan abandoned him and his family. “Temujin's talents allowed him to become a major leader among the Mongol tribes. Eventually, Temujin's increase in power and the jealousy it provoked among other members of Toghril's supporters caused Temujin and Toghril to part ways and ultimately to clash in battle. Their quarrel came to a head in 1203 with Temujin emerging as the victor.” (May, Timothy). He reorganized structures in his armies and did away with the tribe like mentality. Temujin did not become Genghis Khan until around 1206 by his followers. It is also said that he killed his own brother to gain head of the house. He married around 1178 and had four sons, and an unspoken number of daughters. What we know now of Genghis Khan as a child was written after his death in a book called “The Secret History of the Mongols”. This book is the oldest surviving work that was written in the Mongolian language and it was written for the family, what we have in our time now is merrily translations. The only copies of this book are housed in the government offices in China. He survived many attacks as a child and was even kidnapped with his wife …show more content…

He even appointed some of his enemies as officers in his army. He did not bother with lineage, or class, he based his appointments on the skill of the individual. One of his most known commanders once tried to kill Genghis in battle by shooting his horse with an arrow. Genghis Khan held all of the prisoners together after that battle and demanded the shooter step forward and he bravingly did. And because of this he was appointed an officer in the army. Whereas he grew and became one of the greatest commanders under Genghis Khan. In 1206 he took on and defeated the Jin Empire, the Xia Empire, some of Persia, Southern Russia, central Asia and the Caucasus. In 1219 he set out on war with, what we know as Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Iran. Genghis Khan’s army was outnumbered but yet still won the war. This proved to be a long and bloody battle, but gained the Mongols more land. In his final war, 1225, he fought the Western Xi Xia and he was thrown from his horse and caused severe internal injuries, or so it has been said but the actual cause of death is unknown. We do know that even though he was sick or injured he continued fighting but his health did not improve. He died in August of 1227, and it is said he was surrounded by family, friends, loyal soldiers, somewhere near the Yellow River. His army escorted his body back to Mongolia for burial. People have created their own thoughts on the burial place of Genghis

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