
How Did The Mountain Affect The French Revolution

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The French Revolution was a time of a corrupted government and people who wanted an immediate change about many issues. These people who wanted a sudden change were called radicals, and they made a great impact on not only the government, but the French Revolution as a whole. They led to changing the government into a republic and later resulted in the killing of thousands of people. These issues during the French Revolution were because of the leader(s) who saw the issue, but did not make an instant change, and if they did make a change, it did not help society. Radicals were shown in many different groups during the Revolution, one type was called the Mountain. The Mountain started off as one whole group called the Jacobins, but later broke off into two different groups, one being named the Mountain who was the more radical group and the other being the Girondins who were a loose group of republicans. The Mountain seeked for a society where all people were equal, and for a fair government, it did not matter what it took to make this happen. Although the main radical group was the Mountain, all of the radicals helped each other during this time because they wanted to make an instant change despite their differences. In an article from Howell …show more content…

In an article from Alpha History, it gives evidence how the Reign of Terror greatly affected the people and the government. “The Terror was a brief but deadly period where Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety and the Revolutionary Tribunals condemned thousands of people to die on the guillotine.” (Alpha History) This was a brutal point in time because so many people were being accused of doing something that isn't allowed and later being killed about it. The leaders during this period started this horror, and did not know what it would turn into, and when it got over their heads it was very hard to stop

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