
How Did The New Deal Strengthen Or Weaken The Usa Capitalism

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The horrific event that almost destroyed the United States came into sight on October 29, 1929. The day the American stock market came plummeting down after being extremely successful for more than ten years. During this dreadful time the current president, Herbert Hoover, just washed his hands and waited for the problem to extinguish itself. Saying that it was just a passing incident in our national lives and that it wasn’t their job to intervene.
It wasn’t until 1939 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt got elected and the government immediately began to take action. Over the years F.D.R created federally funded agencies collectively known as the New Deal to help the United States and its people get back on their feet. In my opinion the new deal was new. It was President Roosevelt’s way of attacking the situation. He enacted sets of laws that actually attempted to recover and relief from the Great Depression. He was taking a new approach to solve the problem. …show more content…

Then on March 9, the congress passed his Emergency banking act which regulate banks and closed the ones that where insolvent. The new deal had two phases: the first 100 days and the second hundred days. During the first 100 days Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to provide recovery and relief from the depression through programs of agriculture and business regulation inflation and public works. He then asked Congress to end Prohibition, which was a very controversial issue at the time. And by the end of the year the Congress ratified the 21st Amendment and ended Prohibition for good. In 1933 Congress began to pass acts like the NRA, FDIC, AAA, and WPA which were later on known as the Alphabet soup of the new

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