How Did The Odyssey Influence Ancient Greek Culture

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Ancient Greece is renowned for its development in architecture and government, and for its surviving advancements in literature. For example, the Iliad and the Odyssey are considered staples in modern literary education. In comparison, the art and architecture, also, revive the understanding of Greek’s achievements, as well as, recount the styles and techniques of the time period. The documents and arts left behind a detailed account of Greek culture, such as the religion and myths. Ancient Greece was a prosperous time, filled with accounts of philosophers and their stories, of god’s and their affairs, and of art and its legacy. Homer, born around 700 BCE, is a Greek thinker, credited with the Iliad and Odyssey’s creation but much speculation surrounds Homer, such as if he was the author and if he even existed. Regardless, Homer’s epics are literary masterpieces in modern literature, with both epics detailing divine …show more content…

Zeus, the ruler of the gods, is well-known for his sexual conquests and the leagues he strides to lure the individuals of his affection (Adams). Consequently, Zeus fathered many children, both immortal deities and famed mortals; for example, with Metis, the Titan goddess of wisdom, Zeus fathered Athena (goddess of wisdom and war victory); and with a mortal woman named Danae, Zeus father Perseus, a famed hero. In history, Perseus rose to fame among the Greeks for various heroic acts, such as slaying the notorious monster, Medusa and rescuing an Ethiopian princess named Andromeda. In a myth about Athens’ patron goddess, Athena and Poseidon competed for control of the city; both deities presented offerings to the people, but Athena’s olive tree benefited the city more so than Poseidon’s saltwater spring. In the end, Athena was chosen as the city’s patron god, and buildings were built in her honor