How Did The Plebeians Influence Roman Government

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Throughout history there are so many things that have shaped the government. The struggle between the Plebeian and the Patrician class helped shaped the Roman government in many different ways. The Plebeians were the poor people of the government and had no say, the Patricians were the rich and they had power, so of course this caused a struggle in the Roman government. The patricians were decedents of the first 100 senators appointed by King Romulus and formed a dominant class that held most influential positions in ancient Rome. Free people who belonged to the lowest class were known as the plebeians. Since the founding of Rome, there had been a growing conflict between the patricians and plebeians. With the advent of the republic, Rome became economically weak and the plebeians were marginalized both socially and politically more than they had ever been. The struggle that grew between the plebeians and …show more content…

To prevent unfair rulings against the plebeians, a committee was to come up with a written Roman code of law, which was transcribed on twelve stone tablets that anyone and everyone could see. Another successful Plebeians reform was to get rid of the practice of enslaving peasants who didn't pay their debts. "Roman historian Livy in his book The Early History of Rome wrote an account of a poor man who presented himself in the Roman Forum and narrated his story. He has once been a distinguished commander of a company in the Roman army. However, enemy troops raided and destroyed his property, crops, and cattle. Therefore, he had to take heavy debts, which he was unable to pay and his creditor eventually made him a slave. Moved by this story the plebeians of Rome decided to go on a strike. The consul of Rome conceded to their demands and issued an edict to abolish this practice