Criminal Justice Political Analysis

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Politics have had a major influence on crime and the criminal justice systems of countries around the world for centuries. Politics have lead to bribery, corruption, and deception in the criminal justice system. Although the amount of influence politics have on the criminal justice system has declined, politics can still be quite prevalent in modern criminal justice systems. One of the major ways politics influence the criminal justice system is with money. Money is a very powerful incentive for many people, including those working in the criminal justice system. Accepting bribes has been one of the biggest and easiest ways to get what you want done to happen in the criminal justice system. For hundreds of years people in the criminal justice …show more content…

The Senate of the republic was originally designed only to offer advice to the magistrates and the people. However, the senators of Rome had a great deal of influence within the republic, and could use this influence to incarcerate people, avoid imprisonment, or get reduced punishments. One prevalent form of corruption within the republic of the Rome was bribery. Most notably, electoral bribery, which occurred on a yearly basis to the extent that nobody tried to hide the bribery. The rivalries between these competing politicians often lead to the formation of partisan groups in support of their respective politician. Civil disorder came of these political rivalries and violence was often a result of the formation of the supporting partisan groups. The divided loyalties caused by the corrupt politicians greatly influenced the fall of the Roman Republic. “So, as the Roman elite did, what it was bred to do, as they competed ruthlessly with one another for the highest positions and honours, they unwittingly tore apart the very structure they were sworn to protect” (The Late Republic). This quote refers to how the politicians of Rome “tore apart” the Republic that they were elected to protect through their own personal greed and corruption. Rome, however, was not the only period in history that suffered greatly due to political …show more content…

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was regent to the Emperor because he was unable to become shôgun as a result of his peasant upbringing. Despite not being named shôgun Toyotomi Hideyoshi had the power a shôgun possessed, and as a result was able to have great influence in Japan. Toyotomi Hideyoshi as a very militaristic leader who was obsessed with control. “Hideyoshi 's obsession with complete control pushed him to execute Christian missionaries and even to order the great master of the tea ceremony, Sen no Rikyû (1522-91), to commit suicide for no apparent reason” (Feudal Japan: The Age). These actions demonstrate how being shôgun or having the power of a shôgun could influence the criminal justice system in Japan. Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to execute and force the suicide of people in Japan without heavy repercussions, if any at all. However, politics have influenced criminal justice systems very differently in different time periods and parts of the