How Did The Prime Minister Lloyd George's Inaugural Address

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LONDON – Prime Minister Lloyd George has made a speech to the British people exclaiming his demands for peace around the world. In his rousing speech George first explained why we are fighting this bloody war. He said, “We are not fighting a war of aggression against the German people. Their leaders have persuaded them that they are fighting a war of self-defense against a league of rival nations bent on the destruction of Germany. That is not so. The destruction or disruption of Germany or the German people has never been a war aim with us from the first day of this war to this day. Most reluctantly, and indeed quite unprepared for the dreadful ordeal, we were forced to join in this war in self-defense. In defense of the violated public law of Europe, and in vindication of the most solemn treaty obligation on which the public system of Europe rested, and on which Germany had ruthlessly trampled in her invasion of Belgium, we had to join in the struggle or stand aside and see Europe go under and brute force triumph over public right and international justice. …show more content…

Following those statements, the Prime Minister brought up the fact that the Central Powers have yet to clarify why they are fighting the war despite the request of clarification by the United States in 1917. In addition, George discusses how the old way of negotiating will not work anymore by saying, “The days of the Treaty of Vienna are long past. We can no longer submit the future of European civilization to the arbitrary decisions of a few negotiators striving to secure by chicanery or persuasion the interests of this or that dynasty or nation. The settlement of the new Europe must be based on such grounds of reason and justice as will give some promise of