How Did The Russian Revolution Contribute To The 1905-1917 Revolution

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Between the years 1905 and 1917, many events in Russia contributed to revolution. Absolute Monarchism, the Duma, The first Revolution, Marxism, Marxism Leninism, the February and October Revolutions among others were major causes that led to revolt. Russia was ruled under a Absolute Monarchism. The Czar (king) wanted divine rights. Sometimes there were benevolent Czar’s, like Peter the Great or malevolent leaders, such as Ivan the Terrible. The last Czar of Russia was Nicholas the II, and he did not like the idea of sharing his absolute power. This resulted in the First Revolution in 1905.
The priest went to the Winter Palace with the list of grievances created by thousands of soviets. Workers lived in cramped places, they worked thirteen …show more content…

The Czar decided to do this with the establishment of the Duma. Duma was a parliamentary governing system where the Czar could share his power with the people. However, Nicholas II did not keep up with his promise. He cancelled the Duma, and power was not shared.
Nicholas II thought that World War I would be a benefit to him, because people would be united by patriotism and forget a little about absolute monarchy. He became the commander of the army. Then, the Ottomans blocked Russia’s mediterranean passageway leading to massive urbanization, little food, along with lots of deaths.
Another big impact in the Russian Revolution was Marxism and Marxism Leninism. Marxism is the philosophy of Karl Marx who wrote the book “Das Kapital.” In it, he philosophises that the world is tainted by money and that the proletariat who did most of the work were being exploited by the landowners and the bourgeoisie. Marx cares about communism, in which everyone shares and has the same. Marxism Leninism is different. Vladimir Lenin, Soviet Union’s first dictator, thought that waiting for the theory to develop would take a long time. Lenin wanted a dictatorship of the proletarians. He wanted to represent them before they discovered what was …show more content…

Czar Nicholas II was overthrown. In, Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) 50,000 Petrograd and Industrial workers was on strike. They started to revolt, ripping up statues of the Czar. The Czar regime falls and he is put in a house arrest. The DUMA, which was created to share power, is now taking complete power. The provisional government led by the bourgeoisie assumes. They want capitalism and the right to vote. But there is also the Soviets, who did not vote and thought they looked after the rights of the workers. There are two types of socialists: The Bolsheviks, like Lenin and The Mensheviks. Alexander Kerensky, who was a moderate takes over the provisional government. He gave people some rights but made a big mistake, which was staying in WWI. The people of Russia was angry with the provisional government because there was still people dying in the war, people starving,