
How Did The Stock Market Crash Affect The World After Ww2

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World War II was a terrible time for many people in many countries. People around the world were affected by different things for many different reasons. The main countries were the United States, Germany, Japan, USSR, Spain and Italy. The thing with WWII is that some people were still recovering from WWI at the time. The great depression did not help anyone either because companies weren't Making anything because they had no workers. Even after WWI, many countries looked to the United States for help. The stock market crash started a global depression because we made stuff and exported it to other countries. There was a 50% decrease in world trade during the 1930’s because of the United States because there was nothing to export and stuff couldn't be …show more content…

He used scapegoating, nationalism and ect to win and then when he came to power in 1934, everything went bad for other countries. He invaded many countries, enslaved millions and millions of people most of them are jews, and worst of them all, he killed millions and millions of innocent people by using gas chambers. He gassed many jews and then when they died, he burned the bodies so they wouldn't be everywhere. Later on, Hitler and Stalin signed a treaty to where they would not invade each others countries, kinda like a mini alliance. Not even a year later, Hitler invaded poland and that set off Stalin and then their treaty ended. Then some time after that, Japan did not like us so they decided to attack the united states and then the bombing of pearl harbor and the battle of midway came to be. Japan destroyed most of our navy fleet but that didn't stop us. Shortly after the bombing of pearl harbor and the battle of midway. The United States declared war on Japan. This is where Japan really screwed up. Nobody knew but the US was secretly making and testing nuclear bombs. Some hydrogen and some atomic. On August 6, 1945, 8:15 AM - “Little

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