How Did The United States Win The Mexican-American War

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Fifty-five percent of Mexico's territory was taken in the Mexican-American war by the United States. The Mexican-American War began due to a disputed boundary between the United States and Texas. Mexico did not consider Texas to be an actual American territory and Texas's admittance to the United States angered Mexican inhabitants. Mexico's goal in the war was to defend Mexico's territory from the United States invasion, Mexico was not driven by greed or desire for power, Mexico only wanted to defend the land that was once theirs. President Polk, the president during the time the Mexican-American War was occurring, intentionally angered Mexico to start a war, which was not the best idea since in the end, Mexico ended up losing Texas and other …show more content…

Nevertheless, even if Texas was not legally a part of Mexico at the time, the other states were wrongfully taken from Mexico by the United States because Mexico had rightfully won that land from Spain and was still under Mexican control. The only land that was legally independent of Mexico was Texas because of the Texas Revolution and it could be argued that the United States had a right to colonize it. Despite all of this, the United States still wrongfully took a lot of land from Mexico for their “westward expansion”. States that are now California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming were wrongfully taken from Mexico by the United States. It has been clear that the Mexican-American war was not fair in the slightest because Mexico did not have the correct support or resources to fight the Mexican-American war. The Mexican-American war was not fair because of the fact that the United States had much better resources compared to the resources that Mexico had. The United States’ army had good guns and