
How Did This Class Change My View On Religion?

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Did this class change my view on religion? Kind of. Before I came to Fordham, I knew I had to take a couple of theology classes to complete core requirements. I said “Fine, it was much better than having a physical education credit.” I’d take papers over graded exercise any day.
However, what I did not know was how much the content this theology class covered contrasted from what I thought it was going to cover. I expected to be reading the Bible, reciting verses word for word, and getting reprimanded with a ruler by nun. Based on that assumption, I wanted to push back taking this class until Sophomore year or later. Luckily for me, Faith and Critical Reasoning was far from that. After taking it, I can say I felt this class truly challenged …show more content…

I am usually open minded but when it comes to religion, it was that subject that I was not comfortable talking about with others. This feeling came from several things. From reading about people who faced persecution for what they believed in to televangelist taking advantage of the disadvantaged by passing off “Seed faith” as actual faith, I became skeptical of organized religion. Therefore, I chose to be Agnostic. However, I have seen the good religion can do for its followers. For example, one of my friends’ attributes all his successes to God. He graduated top of his class, goes to a great university, and is doing well overall. However, his father left his family when he was young and developed deep insecurities from that. He found solace in Christianity and adopted God as his heavenly father. I believe religion filled the void that his father left. When I think of myself, I believe that have not experienced any hardships like he has therefore I have not forged a deep connection to religion. However, this class has opened a facet of religion to me; its academic study. I will go on to study more religion more in depth simply because now I find more appealing. I find it interesting how religions developed in different areas and those people perceive other faiths. Also, I find the power of the Black Church on the African American communities

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