How Did Ulysses S. Grant Use The Monroe Doctrine

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President Ulysses S. Grant
In the 1870s, President Ulysses Grant extended the doctrine by proclaiming that the US would not let European powers relocate territories within the Western Hemisphere. Grant had more accomplishment in employing the doctrine in British and Confederate pillaging in the course of the Civil War in the Alabama Claims case of 1871. When the Civil War was ongoing, the British constructed Confederate raiding vessels that demolished 0.1 million tons of US payload. The Senate rejected an agreement that Seward had negotiated in 1869 (the Johnson-Clarendon Convention) to rule on the claims; it succeeded in the rejection by a 53-1 margin. However, Hamilton Fish, then Secretary of State under Grant, revisited the issue; the Secretary …show more content…

The doctrine came to being when there was concern that the French army, which had occupied Spain to reinstate the Spanish monarch, would try to reestablish the Spanish Empire in America. Russia had previously tried to annex territory below the fifty-first parallel as a portion of Alaska. John Quincy Adams at that point had declared that America was not open to further imperialism. At first, Monroe considered a coalition with Great Britain to counter any Spanish occupation of America, but then heeded Adams’ counsel and remained nonaligned. The Doctrine led the United States to preclude devoting itself to a coalition with England when Monroe knew that it was in the interest of Britain to forestall the Spanish Empire’s reestablishment. To the Europeans, the doctrine had no significance as transnational law; it was not even recognized as the Monroe Doctrine until during the 19th century. The Doctrine was not even enough of a bother to the Great Powers of Europe for any of the powers to reject it. The Doctrine put Monroe in a position to stretch some American influence at a period when he knew that he could count on the British marines to ward European powers off