How Did Wollstonecraft Contribute To The French Revolution

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In the eighteenth century women were inferior to men, which meant that most households were dominated by men. Women had little to no rights back then, they were not allowed to work outside the home. In fact, it was the women’s job to stay at home and maintain the household while the man left the house to work. Women were not even allowed to get an education back then, however, English writer Mary Wollstonecraft did not feel that way and she began to argue the need for women to be educated. Her argument ended up creating new and radical ideas that shocked many. Her argument led to the early contribution of the feminist theory, but according to others she was known as the founder of modern European feminism. Wollstonecraft believed that men and women should be treated equally, but not everyone felt the same way she did. Rousseau who was new generation philosopher saw women differently from men and argued that they must obey men. In fact, his wife was educated, but she was not …show more content…

The old regime which was made up of three different estates, which was also referred to as the monarch. Among the three estates you had the clergy men which shared similar ideas to that of the nobilities, the nobilities which attempted more power and control, then you had the third and final estate, which was the common people of society. The common people of society were a majority of the French population, which was made up of various different people. The third estate was probably the most profound because it was the majority of the French population and in this estate were people of different occupations, educational standards, and social classes. This monarchial system was flawed because it was based on wealth and economic achievements because this system was flawed it caused an uproar within the estates, which led to the estates wanting to separate from one