Mary Wollstonecraft Argument For Women's Rights Essay

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Mary Wollstonecraft Argument for The Rights of Humankind
Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of Woman’s Rights addresses importance in woman gain equal education and inequality in women education cause harm to everyone. Her argument address enlightenment philosophies such as reason and objective truths and human rights. Mary Wollstonecraft advocates for the rights of humankind in objective truth of humankind’s rights.
The gender bound education that forms bind sensibilities onto woman while not educate the mind does not benefit society and natural rights of humankind. Wollstonecraft argues that women have equal combability for education and wit as men. Educated Women can promote the lives of others when their freedom and voices can advocate …show more content…

“I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures, instead of flattering their fascinating graces, and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual childhood, unable to stand alone (225, NA)”. Wollstonecraft desires that everyone would view objective truths of dignity and human happiness consist of women endeavors in both mind and body. Not women that are weak vessels that promote pity and contempt.
The Enlightenment tries to remove untruths and replace them with reason. “This confidence is generally paired with suspicion or hostility toward other forms or carries of authority (such as tradition, superstition, prejudice, myth and miracles), insofar as these are seen to compete with the authority of one’s own reason and experience (Stanford, …show more content…

“self-directed in thought and action through the awakening of one’s intellectual powers, leads ultimately to better, more fulfilled human existence (Stanford, Enlightenment)”. Wollstonecraft argues for female mind in their education to be expand and create open mindedness. When women are educate as weaker people they re easily used and hurt. Especially in situation women do not have the power or knowledge to protect themselves. “Women are, therefore, to be considered either as moral beings, or so weak that they must be entirely subject to the superior faculties of men (232, NA)”.
Women are degrade when they are either value as a moral being or strong character in their life. When a women becomes an active human being in their mind and body and helps others with generous virtues she is promoting the rights of human kind and herself. One mistake education can create narrow and uncultivated minds and many gender bound prejudices this impact the women behavior and men behavior in the objective truths. Promote education of women that promotes dignity, virtue and object truth of human rights of