How Do Environmental Issues Affect The Dine Tribe

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Environmental issues on the Navajo Nation has affected the Diné people, not only it affected their land, but their well-being and the Navajo culture. The Navajo reservation is overlooked for decades when it comes to environmental issues. One issue is the production of fracking and mining on reservations. The result of this, is the Diné people sacrificing their land, water, and health to provided energy for bigger populations, such as, cities and for our capitalist economy. On the other hand, the importance of water and the environment is that it nurtures and destroys, everyone is living on this planet. It brings life to plants while working with the earth, wind, and sun, so why corrupt our Earth. The series of environmental injustice violates the sovereignty of the Diné people, along with …show more content…

Now imagine other properties, such as, Indian owned land, private lands, and state lands that are not included in the number of acres used for gas and oil sites. Drilling on federal and Indian lands are primarily regulated by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). As of March 2, 2017, there were approximately 29,996 approved oil wells and approximately 27,780 approved natural gas wells in NM alone (Fracking in New Mexico).
Majority of the Dine people living on the reservation don't have access to clean, running water and they must haul it in tanks or barrows back home or to a crop field. Personally, I grew up with no running water. Imagine a 8 or 9 year old hauling water with your siblings, parents or a grandparent just to get ready for the day. Than the water is used for drinking, bathing, and kitchen needs. That is normal living and many still live like that on the reservation. So fracking and other negative externalities, such as, fracking contaminates nearby homes and affect families and their only resource of

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