How Do Families Celebrate Thanksgiving

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A community is based on traditions, every family has their own. Advertisements, media, and propaganda portray holidays differently. In most cases, holidays foundations mainly rely on the quality time spent together, practicing traditions carried out year after year. In this essay, I will analyze images that focus on family and the Thanksgiving holiday. Each image portrays something that differentiates one from the other. But are similar as far as the idealized theme of what thanksgivings traditions go.

One image portrays the excitement to eat, the family looks for this to be a joyous time. The quality time promotes a sense if stability. The pictures also promote expectations for an unrealistic way of celebrating on thanksgiving. Showing large families with four or more people. But the real question is if these ads imagery and perception of how families celebrate thanksgiving together would it actually be enjoyable? Possibly yes, but the images show "big happy family" and real families may not necessarily be doing those same things in order to enjoy their holiday. …show more content…

Not specifying what those traditions may or may not be. For example in the reading "A Wobegon Holiday Dinner" by Garrison Keillor though the story explained about all the unhappy events that went on during this holiday dinner and it may not of being the ideal way thanksgiving is spent. But each family has traditions of their own traditional arguments, bad food, uncomfortable conversations, and the list can go on of unpredicted events at a family gathering. Even when things aren't that great you enjoy them still, those same events don't make a family any less of a family or traditional. Regardless of what those traditions may be as long as they're carried out