The Joy Of Reading And Writing: Superman And Me By Sherman Alexie

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Customs and traditions are vital to the development of our human race because in order to grow we must depend on a sense of a greater purpose and value. They should be considered important, and something that should reside in peoples' heart. Customs and traditions are extremely sufficient, and they have both good and bad sides. Therefore, society will be better if people relate and eliminate the restrictions between one another. Modern society can not improve without existing customs and traditions. This is the same principles as science-new inventions are dependent on what existed before. Therefore, in order for the society to develop, it should have a solid foundation based on customs and traditions. Some traditions may be a positive thing …show more content…

Traditions and customs give you a sense of belonging and gives you the motivation to be happy and motivated each and every day in life. An example of how traditions give you a sense of belonging is seen in the essay “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie. The author talks about how much the narrator loves to read and how it came upon him by his father who also reads a lot. Reading had become a popular tradition in his house hold and it brings them joy and most importantly knowledge. He was considered a “smart indian” The author mentions “a smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely feared and ridiculed by Indians and non-Indians alike. Whenever he needs something to turn to, he goes straight for the books because it has already become so custom to him and his life. He also mentions “I read books late into the night, until i could barely keep my eyes open”. Another example of this is also seen in the essay “Salvation” by Langston Hughes. Several event helped shape the boy's religious understanding far differently from what his Auntie Reed intended in this essay. They have a tradition of going to church and getting ride of their sins. The boy is brought to give to be saved and to let jesus into his life and while he is waiting he explains how everting went into slow motion and how time was going by so slow. While he …show more content…

Customs and traditions are helpful when it comes to encouraging people keep using beautiful culture to treat together. However, old customs and traditions are very different from what is accepted in society today. If people continue to obey old traditions that are bad, these traditions become obstacles for improvement. Traditions may be family gatherings for feast and fellowship. It is a series of rituals that give us individuals greater value and power. On the other hand, traditions may also be a negative thing because it limits the opportunity for what is actually right. Traditions help and give us a sense of identity and belonging, it gives us motivation and brings brings people closer together, but at the same time it can cause problems to your physical well-being and its limits your chance for greater and better