How Do Minority Groups Affect Our Society?

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They say that the wise musician is those how can master what they practice. Well I thought that this person was only a singer and that he only made music great songs that people in his era will only understand not only that, but I also thought that his music was for older generation of adults that younger generations would not understand because of the socials problem that where happing through this time this includes the Civil Rights Movements, Vietnam war, Cold War, Racism and, songs about how corrupt the justice system is in the U.S. One might think that time have changed but in reality nothing has been a huge change from today's world the U.S is about to break into world war III, police are still killing blacks and minorities.The only change is that the world has really seen in our country though, pop culture the LGBT community is really more open than they were in the past our society is moving into the world where the “minority” groups are becoming the popular group, and it has to do with advocates like Bob Dylan that have a bigger voice. He was able to influence and change the mindset of ignorant people in America. That is why, …show more content…

Dylan is saying that the journalist controls the stories they can make it real or fake. That is what we see on our television today most of the news is fake or have alternative facts that favor some type of party or social issues. I think that theme of this poem is about accepting change because it's going to happen sometime or later, and if as people we do not accept change we will not survive the generations to come just imagine how Bob Dylan is reflecting life right now. I think we would all if this is what change had led us to or have times really