How Do Political Consultants Regulate Today's Voters?

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In Miles Benson's article, Political Consultants Taylor, he uncovers many instances of how political consultants sway uneducated voters. Benson first explains how many voters generally have a higher interest in their social lives; whether it is their kids, friends, husbands etc. Voters having low interest in their countries politics ultimately leads them to become easily manipulated. “Voters that tend to be manipulated easily do not make educated decisions while at the polls” (Benson). “The people who are manipulating the uneducated voters tend to be political consultants” (Benson). Political consultants use many different political techniques in order to sway voters to a political candidate or party. They use television ads to change opinions …show more content…

Voters tend to ignore politics today because many people, “do not like the bickering and infighting or mudslinging between candidates” (A Green Road Journal). People tend to distant themselves from any kind of conflict being relationship conflicts, conflict of interest and so on, because they usually end up in arguments. Politics in the last couple years in the United States has the country divided by the two major political parties, republican and democratic . people who support the parties tend to be very passionate about their beliefs and do not take criticism lightly. The passion people hold with their political beliefs ends up causing conflict with people who do not agree with them even if they are incorrect. This ultimately leads to why people tend to ignore politics. People with “strong feelings about issues do not emerge from deep understanding” (Kolbert, Eliabeth), making most of their accusations and beliefs bias. Conflicts of interest and arguments are why many voters have distant themselves from politics …show more content…

If the population do their civic duty and are active in political campaigns the results could reflect this political opinion. If more people were focused on being active voter like people over 65, the gap between who votes and who does not is quite substantial, “There was a 34-percentage point difference in 2008 between how 18-to-29-year-olds voted and how 65-and-overs voted” (Paul Taylor). If younger voters become more involved in politics like the 65 and older are; the officials voted into office would reflect younger voter’s opinions as well. Before becoming involved in politics voters must be educated and interested so they do not fall into the political consultant’s