Should Americans Be Required To Vote Essay

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Is making an American citizen vote more important than that citizens freedom? Compulsory and non-compulsory voting come up a lot in U.S government the question is which one is right. “Vote Or Else” by Filip Palda states that compulsory voting isn’t a true way to vote because a lot of citizens will just vote random because they are now forced to vote and they lose interest due to the fact that it seems like a chore. In “Peru Trip Report”, Jimmy Carter states that only 2 out of every 10,000 people vote for compulsory voting. Also from the report it states that 13 percent of people don’t want to vote so they should be able to keep that freedom. Should the government make American citizens vote? There are three reasons why Americans shouldn’t be required to vote, it gives people less freedom if they’re forced to vote, uninformed voters are dangerous and 160 countries don’t use compulsory voting. One reason why Americans shouldn’t be required to vote is it gives people less freedom. Evidence supporting this reason is in “Peru Trip Report” by Jimmy Carter. He stated that voting was mandatory and citizens were charged 35 dollars if they didn’t vote. This evidence helps explain why Americans shouldn’t be required to vote because it shows that people are getting punished if they make a decision not to vote. Punishing someone for something you give them a …show more content…

Evidence of this is in “Must You Vote?”, Randy Cohen stated that “it is irresponsible to encourage people to vote if they aren’t informed with political problems. He also stated that “you might as well urge an unpracticed person to use a power tool, at least they would only harm themselves.” This evidence helps explain why Americans shouldn’t be required to vote because it explains how voting without knowing anything about recent debates or political problems would be dangerous not only to the voter but the whole