How Do Traits Get Passed From One Generation To The Next?

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How do traits get passed from one generation to the next?

How do traits get passed from one generation to the next? To pass traits between generations, parents use alleles. The traits passed down are not determined by dominance. Alleles passed down are one of two from the parents genotypes which go to create the genotype of the offspring.

My first example is in lesson three when we looked at Sam’s condition called sickle cell disease. We found that sickle cell disease skipped a generation. Sam’s father’s mother as well as his mother’s father had the non-dominant trait of sickle cell disease. The trait to have sickle cell was passed through the following generations but was not in the phenotype because they were all heterozygous. That was …show more content…

Your parents have alleles that give you, their child, a factor for traits. Those factors from each parent, create a genotype, which although the factors that are passed down aren’t determined by dominance, your phenotype is. Your phenotype is the traits that are dominant in your genotype. My first example was of sam and his condition. When the trait skipped a generation but came back without being dominant, it showed that alleles and genotypes aren’t determined by dominance. The genotypes in the generations leading to Sam, all had sickle cell disease, but weren’t shown in the phenotype because of dominance, proving that traits can can be carried down without being in ancestors phenotypes. Although most ancestors have many different traits, when we planted Wisconsin fast plants, we had plants that had either a long line of purple stems or a long line of non-purple stems. When the results showed only one result per combination, we knew that if the planted plants had a homozygous genotype they would only have one result. Even if they had a heterozygous genotype the dominant trait would prevail, because it was passed down through their parents alleles. Finally to further back up the fact that parents can only pass down traits that are in their genotypes I looked at Gregor Mendel's study. When he found that traits like seed shape, or pod type could be followed from one generation to the next, he looked at it a little more specifically. When he did this he discovered that traits would never be found in plants unless the generations before had that trait. This shows that traits always come from only your parents even if the trait isn’t shown in your parents phenotype. In other words your parents give you your traits, but the traits passed down aren’t determined by dominance, which is why an indominant trait can appear to skip a

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