How Do Video Games Affect Society

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When you read an article about a crime being committed, you will immediately start to begin to have a preconceived idea about what race committed the act. The perception of race is inevitable. The perception of race throughout the years has worsened.
Video games have a great deals to do with this. In some video games the more violent the character is the darker the skin. For instance, Black men are more likely to be portrayed as criminals. In a study done by Ohio State professor it says "white video game players are more likely to act aggressively, have negative attitudes against black and link black people to weapons after playing as a black character in a video game." Programmers put theses preconceived perceptions in video games that unknowingly start to make you believe that the darker your skin the more violent you are. …show more content…

The news channels focus more on the crime in lower middle class areas, When you hear them talking about the story, you start to make an assumption that a minority committed the crime. Newspapers and news programs tend to shine a light on crimes done by a minority. They depict minorities as the suspect, and whites as crime victims. The Distortions Bolster Harsher Penalties, Study Finds "Black and Latino suspects are also more likely than whites to be presented in a non-individualized and threatening way." When you are a minority they will talk about your previous convictions, meanwhile if you are white they will talk about how you were a scholar student who was led down the wrong path by the wrong people. Also, if you are a person of color they will put your mug shot picture, but if you are white they will use a photo of from social media or a photo you smiling to give society an idea of what kind of person you are. This will make you think that the person of color is angry, while someone that isn't a minority made a mistake and shouldn't be punished for