
How Does Alex Committed A Number Of Sexual Offences Against Children

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The scenario given is one regarding Alex, a fourteen-year-old teenage boy, who has had experimental sexual intercourse with the victim – Simone, a twelve-year-old girl. Hence, on the face of it, Alex has committed a number of sexual offences against children under the age of thirteen, contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003. The various strict liability offences committed by Alex will be discussed as follows.

The first and most serious offence Alex has perpetrated is the statutory rape of a child under the age of thirteen. By virtue of Section 5(1) of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, it is provided that a person commits an offence if (a) he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person with his penis, and (b) the other person is under thirteen. It may be clearly concluded that the actus reus has been satisfied in this case as Alex, being a boy, would have penetrated Simone’s vagina with his penis during their act of sexual intercourse. The mens rea on the other hand has also been satisfied as it may be inferred from his agreement to perform the act that he had the intention. As these types of offences are strict …show more content…

Section 9 is more or less a combination of the essence found in section 6 and section 7 of the act. However, it should be noted that this section has been further subdivided to section 9(1) and section 9(2) instead of being contained in two separate sections, and they are to be applied in conjunction with section 13 of the SOA 2003 in this scenario. Section 10 on the other hand is also approximately similar to section 8, however the difference is that section 10 sets out a defence of reasonable belief that the victim is over

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