
How Does Amir Break To Sohrab

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Kite Runner READING QUESTIONS CHAPTERS 21-25 (PP. 259-371) In Chapters 21-22, the cruelty of the Taliban is clearly in evidence. Give two or three examples. The Taliban allow public beatings. As seen when Assef beat the man and woman with a rock. When Assef killed the Hazaras, he would leave the bodies out in the open for the dogs and as an example to the other people still living. The Taliban hit people that shout too loudly at games. In Chapter 22, Amir finally sees Sohrab and realizes something about the Taliban official. What is it? What is your reaction to Assef's reappearance as a Talib? How does he justify his transformation? Is it a transformation? Amir realizes that the Taliban official is the bully Assef. I think that it’s a very …show more content…

What promise does Amir break to Sohrab? Amir promised that he wouldn’t put Sohrab into an orphanage, but after the talk with Mr. Faisal, Amir says that Sohrab will most likely get put into an orphanage. What then does Sohrab do? Why is this significant? It’s hinted that Sohrab kills himself/damages himself real badly. This is significant since earlier in the chapter the INS guy, Raymond Andrews, told Amir that it’s dangerous to make promise to kids since his daughter killed herself. The suicide was most likely because Mr. Andrews made a promise and broke it. Chapter 25 resolves the action with Sohrab and Amir returning to San Francisco. Describe Sohrab for the first seven months he is in San Francisco. Sohrab is distant and silent for the first seven months because he still hasn’t forgiven Amir. General Taheri is worried about something when he comes to visit. What is it? What is Amir’s reaction to this? He is worried what people will think about his family since Sohrab is a Hazara. Amir tells the General to forget about it and to never refer to Sohrab as the “Hazara

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