How Does Amir Change In The Kite Runner

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In Khaled Hosseini’s Kite Runner, the character Amir shows his selfish and depressing traits, and he is influenced by Hassan and Assef which reveals how he becomes more loving, happy, and caring. From an innocent passion of Kite Flying, takes a drastic turn of events to betrayal and lying. At first, we are introduced to the self–centered, greedy, and spoiled child, Amir, “What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He’ll never be anything but a cook. How dare he citizen you?” (34). During the peaceful storytelling by an upcoming writer, Amir, he gets very irate when questioned by Hassan, illiterate, showing Amir’s true personality, self – centered, guilty and greedy. These traits barely change throughout his childhood leaving him depressed and