How Does Amir Change In The Kite Runner

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1) Throughout Amir's life growing up we see his hometown, Kabul Afghanistan, affect him in many ways. During Amir's childhood Afghanistan goes through many reforms, revolts, and revolutions. One of the times we see these revolts affect Amir is in chapter 5 when, “The earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire” (35). The significance of this scene is shown in how that is the first sign of the troubles to come to afghanistan. These changes in Amir’s home affect him because while one ruler that made his life comforting was killed, another ruler that made Afghanistan different that what aamir has ever known came into power. Throughout the story we see Kabul be run by many different types of leaders and as the leaders change so does the lifestyle in Afghanistan. …show more content…

While other kids excel at sports he can't even stand up for himself. While other kids are outside playing, he found comfort in himself and books. Baba wishes that Amir was more social and strong but as Rahim Khan tells Baba, "Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite color." (21). During Amir’s childhood he only relates to Baba through Kites. He is not similar to his father in any way which makes him feel like there is a gap between them, but the kites fill that gap. Amir does not have a full and stable relationship with his father, and he doesn't have the best relationship with Hassan either. While he and Hassan both love the kites, Hassan is loyal to the core and Amir is unloyal from his core. While Amir’s place in Afghanistan is small, he does not strengthen it in his bonds with others around him, throughout the story we see him only weaken his bonds and his roots to