How Does Anthem Explain The Difference Between Society And Our Society

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Carver Michaud C. Higgins 2B English 4 April 2024 In Chapter XII of Anthem, Prometheus says that the worship of the word “We” caused modern society to collapse into ruins. Explain what he means by this, referring to specific details from the novel. Are there widespread attitudes in your society today that represent “worship of the word ‘we’”? If so, what impact does this “worship” have on your society and on your own life? If not, what fundamental attitudes and ideas explain the difference between your society and the society in Anthem? Collectivism and The Downfall of Modern Society In Ayn Rand's Anthem, the author paints an oppressive society where individuality is suppressed in favor of collectivism. The worship of the word "we" serves as …show more content…

This can hinder innovation and critical thinking, as individuals may feel pressure to conform to the group perspective. On page 73 of Anthem by Ayn Rand, it says, “Many men. have had strange new ideas. but when the majority of their brother scholars voted against, they abandoned their ideas as all men must.” As in the society of Anthem and in our society, people who do not share the same ideas as the majority are ridiculed and forced to comply with the group’s idea. In summary, our society, through standards like social media and groupthink, causes us to try to be like others, fit in with the whole, and give up different ideas just as in the collective society in the book Anthem. In conclusion, in Anthem by Ayn Rand, the word “we” served as a symbol of putting our needs behind others and serving the whole. This worship of the word “we” led to the destruction of modern society and the death of self-identity. The worship of the sense of collectivism caused an oppressive society that extinguished personal ambition, creativity, and progress, which led to stagnation and a halting of