
How Does Antony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar

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In the play Julius Ceasar written by William Shakespare Marc Antony's funeral oration is a emotional high point and shows the power of persuadsion possessed by Antony which Cassius was afraid of. Antony speach begins when Brutus foolishly decides to leave the Senate area after his speach. Through out the speach Antony uses several persuasive techniques to finish his mission of accomplising two things. One being to prove that the assassination of "the greatest Roman" Caesar was a terrible wrong and the other to move the crowd against the conspirators. Antony first used the techniques when he said "He was my friend, faithful and just to me" showing his love for Caesar as friend to the public and appealing to their emotions while also playing with it. He then goes on and points out many of Caesar's acts that had benefited them as Roman citizens and reminds them of their former love for Caesar. …show more content…

His insistence that "Brutus is an honorable man" multiple times with powerful sarcasm each time increasing sarcastic observation. Antony's use of the rhetorical questions in his speach when he said "You all did see that on the Lupercal. I thrice presented a kingly crown which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?" he mentions that Brutus said that they killed Caesar because he was ambitious and goes against their reason and thinks they are actually foolish for that idea this is also a reason he called Brutus honorable in a sarcastic

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