
How Does Antony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar

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The Persuasive Methods of Antony and Brutus In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Act III Scene ii, both Antony and Brutus appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos when they present their speeches at Caesar’s funeral. Brutus appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos to convince the plebeians that he killed Caesar for the good of Rome and the people. Antony appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos to convince the plebeians that the conspirators were wrong in killing Caesar. Though they both use these persuasive methods; they appeal to them with a different purpose in mind. Brutus and Antony exercise the use of logos in their speeches to say who was right and who was wrong in killing Caesar. Brutus appeals to logos to show that he was right in killing …show more content…

Antony tries to relate to the plebeians by acting as if they were all his equals. “Friends, Romans, Countrymen.” (III.ii, 73) This is to show that he can be trusted because he is just like them.“I am beholding to you.” (III.ii, 1605) He sounds as if he trustworthy and wants to be on the plebeians side. Brutus doesn’t take this approach. He wants to make himself appear as if he can be trusted because he has a good reputation. “Believe me for mine honor” (III.ii, 15-16) Not only does Brutus try to make himself sound honourable; he also speaks in the common language so that the plebeians can understand him. “Then follow me, and give me audience, friends.” (III.ii, 1532) This is to convince the plebeians that he is just like them. By using ethos, Antony and Brutus try to be relatable with the plebeians to make it easier to trust …show more content…

Brutus appeals to pathos by stating that he loves Rome more. “This is my answer: Not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more” (III.ii, 20-21) Here, Brutus wants the plebeians to praise him for putting his country first, but he also wants their sympathy. Brutus doesn’t only want to tug at their heart-strings because he lost a friend, but also because he is willing to give his life for his country. “I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death.” (III.ii, 44-45) He wants to please the plebeians and be in their favor. This means that he values his country more than he values his life. He wants the plebeians to recognize this. While Brutus wants the plebeians to to feel sympathy for him because he cares for his country more than anything; Antony wants sympathy because he lost a friend. “Bear with me; / My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, / and I must pause till it come back to me.” (III.ii, 115, 116-117) Antony wants the plebeians to understand him on an emotional level.”He was my friend, faithful and just to me:” (III.ii, 1629). Again, Antony is trying to connect with the commoners by having something to relate to such as Caesar. Because these plebeians admired Caesar; they will most likely agree with Antony and side with him. Antony and Caesar use pathos to try to connect on an

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